
www.zjvnet.com/news  2010-06-23 10:270    来源: 未知   我要评论  

    Searching for a job is a roller coaster ride!


  There are some days when you are flying high and there are other days when you are in a free fall and your stomach is in your throat.


  Having a positive attitude is the one thing that will support your entire job search process.


  If you’re attitude isn’t right, you don’t want to do research, you don’t want to networking and you can’t interview because recruiters can sniff out a bad attitude about 7 miles away!


  In January 2009, 4.5 million Americans landed a job and in February 2009, 4.4 million Americans got jobs. Be one of them by using these strategies for keeping your attitude where it needs to be … in the positive column:


  Take care of yourself inside & out: As Fernando Llamas and Billy Crystal used to say “it’s better to look good than to feel good” … so aim for both because not looking your best will affect your attitude! Even if it’s just a 30 minute walk every day, those endorphins will kick in and you will feel better. If you are cost conscious & want to skip hair cuts or getting rid of some premature grey hair, there are low cost alternatives.

  全方位的打理好自己:就像费尔南多•拉马斯(Fernando Llamas)和比利•克里斯特尔(Billy Crystal)曾说过的那样:“看起来不错比自我感觉良好更重要”……因此,力争在这两个方面都表现良好,因为如果你不对自己提最高的要求,那将会影响你的态度!即使只是每天步行30分钟,那些内啡肽也将会被排除,从而使你感觉更好。如果你有成本意识,避免将来用各种方法去掉一些过早斑白的头发,你可以找一些低成本的替代选择。

  Positive in, positive out: You should read the paper to keep up on what is going on, but stay away from the crime stats, bankruptcy filings, and the like. Watch movies that are uplifting. Read books that are positive and encouraging. Do not spend time with negative people as they are like crabs in a bucket. As Al Pacino said in Godfather III: “every time I try to get out they pull you back!”

  营造良好正面的环境:你要看报纸,了解正在发生的时事,但要远离犯罪统计,企业破产申报等消息。看一些令人振奋的电影,读一些令人保持积极状态并受到鼓舞的书籍。不要和消沉的人在一起浪费时间,因为他们就像水桶里的螃蟹。就像艾尔•帕西诺(Al Pacino)在《教父3》中所说:“每一次我要离开都被他们拉了回去!”







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