
www.zjvnet.com/news  2010-06-24 15:200    来源: 未知   我要评论  

  10. Therapy sessions: Keep your visits with a therapist a private matter. Petty co-workers can start rumors about you or make snide remarks behind your back. No need to put yourself in that situation。

  10. 疗程:决不要提起你任何的疗程。小心眼的同事会以此散发谣言或背地裡说坏话,别让自己处於那种危机。

  11. The Rubik's Cube that is your personal life: When Marci Diehl worked as a recruiter, she encountered a job seeker who came in to register with the staffing agency -- and she still remembers her over a decade later. The woman came in and explained that her boyfriend was waiting outside with her child because she didn't have a car and that speed was of the essence. Also, her son was not the boyfriend's child。

  11. 私人生活:当玛西担任职业介绍所的招募人员时,她碰到一名永生难忘的求职者。这位女士一进门就开始解释因为她没车而她男友和小孩又正在外面等她,所以面试必须速战速决。接著又说,她儿子的父亲其实另有其人。

  "Somehow in this tale about the boyfriend, she told us that the boyfriend was not a happy camper, because her 6 year old slept with them every night -- and they'd only been going together for a few weeks," Diehl remembers. Naturally, the agency had a difficult time placing her because she was a risky employee who didn't know when to keep her thoughts to herself。


  12. Gossip: One of the big reasons you want to keep important information to yourself is to avoid the gossip it can spur. Well, don't play the gossip game either. Spreading rumors or secrets that you'd want kept secret isn't going to help your career。

  12. 流言蜚语:你想要保密重要资讯的原因之一,就是避开伤人的流言蜚语。当然也不要主动散播对职涯无益的谣言或秘密。

  13. Your Chris Rock routine: In an episode of "The Office," Michael Scott gets in trouble for repeating, verbatim, a Chris Rock stand-up routine full of racially charged jokes and cuss words. Comedians get paid to be edgy, daring and even offensive. You get fired for it。

  13. 不雅言论:影集“办公室”中有一集,主角麦克史考特因不断重复充满种族歧视的言论与脏话而惹祸上身。剧中演员因尖锐、大胆和冒犯性的话语而付出代价,但你却会因此被炒。







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