
www.zjvnet.com/news  2010-06-08 10:590    来源: 汨罗之窗   我要评论  
论文名称: 窈窕淑女歌词的译本比较评析

比起其它一般的电影字幕,翻译音乐电影的字幕时,困难的地方在于除了脚本与画面之外,最重要的是音乐,即里头的歌曲部分,如何运用不同翻译的策略,才能用中文显出其韵律与节奏感,是此篇论文讨论的目的。基于笔者对音乐电影的喜爱,以《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)中的歌词翻译为例,以译本比较的方式,评析各译者在翻译本部片中歌词时,如何传达歌曲的音乐性;另外,由于本片除了是音乐电影外,主题在于语言学习使人成为绅士淑女,因此有关语言矫正的歌词部分,译者如何适切传达,也是本篇论文讨论的重点之一。希望这篇论文能够找出在翻译音乐电影时,可用的翻译策略,供未来的译者在翻译此类电影字幕时的参考。

Compared to other kinds of film subtitles, movies with lots of songs are more difficult to translate because translators have to deal with not only scripts and pictures but also music. By taking examples of the lyrics in the film, My Fair Lady, in this essay, I try to compare the Chinese subtitles translated in
different versions and analyze what are the better ways to present lyricstempos and rhythms in Chinese translation. On the other hand, one of the main themes of this film is how to become a lady though learning proper speech. Therefore, how to translate those lyrics in proper Chinese is another important part in my essay. For the reason that I personally love these classical musicals very much, I hope this essay could present some useful strategies for translators while they translate musicals.







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